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 East Lansing Free Emergency Contraceptive (ELFREEEC) is a student-led initiative to provide students and community members with free emergency contraceptives (EC) for free when needed.


This service is 7 days a week at whatever time and place you prefer. During the weekdays, you can pick up the EC from our designated safe locations: the Gender and Sexuality Campus Center (GSCC) and Women*s Student Services during their office hours. Another option, one that is available all week, is a pick-up service. Where you'll meet with a confidential volunteer to receive the EC.


If you or someone you know is in need, please fill out this form! Click on our different tabs for more information. If you have any questions please contact us! 

Other Action Items

Campus-Wide Survey

Coming soon we will be dispersing a survey to gather information on student's attitudes towards emergency contraceptives and if they have access to them. 


Be on the lookout for more information coming soon!

Wellness Vending Machine

We're in the process of getting funding for a "wellness vending machine". This vending machine would mainly contain emergency contraceptives and would be consistently restocked when needed. Our hope is to have other items in there as well, such as menstrual products, external and internal condoms, dental dams, Advil, Tylenol, and Narcan. 


We're planning on starting a letter/email writing campaign to Interim President Woodruff to pressure her to support this project and help allocate funding for it.


We will update this page when that is launched! 

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