Fill out our google form and someone will contact you to discuss where and when to meet up and give you the EC.
Step 1
When filling out this form, you can choose to schedule a 2-minute call to ask any questions about the process. If you decide to do so a volunteer will contact you with a time to call over the phone.
The form will also ask you questions such as "What Is your gender identity? and "Are you picking up this EC for yourself or another person?"
These questions are optional for you to answer.
We ask these questions for our internal data and to evaluate how we can improve the accessibility of our program.
If you have any questions relating to the form or the procedure as a whole you can contact us through:
email: msustudentreproresources@gmail.cominstagram direct messages: @elfreeec
Step 2
Receive a text message or email from ELFREEEC volunteer to decide time and location of pick up.
Step 3
Meet up with the EL FREE EC volunteer to receive your EC!
You and the volunteer will arrive at the location you agreed upon so they can give you the requested materials in a brown paper bag.
Then, after you meet with the volunteer, they will send you a fact sheet about EC.